Listen: Podcast on Human Factors & Usability Testing for TechnologyAdvice
Check out Design Science founder Steve Wilcox’s thoughts on ethnography, prototyping, the FDA, and more through TechnologyAdvice’s TA Expert Interview Series. Read more
Check out Design Science founder Steve Wilcox’s thoughts on ethnography, prototyping, the FDA, and more through TechnologyAdvice’s TA Expert Interview Series. Read more
We attended the HFES Healthcare Symposium in Chicago last month. Among the highlights were hearing keynote speaker Lisa Sanders talk about how the TV show House relates to Human Factors, taking a tour of the GfK facilities, seeing our own Steve Wilcox present on the future of Medical Devices, and presenting our poster on Realism in Product Design.
We thought it might be useful to start at the beginning, so to speak, for companies who have not yet adopted a user-centered design approach.
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We conduct rigorous research to optimize the usability, safety, and customer appeal of products. Contact us to discuss a project today.